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Hinckley Police Command Center Trailer. Up for auction will be a 1994 Dutchman 30 foot Trailer which was designed as a mobile command center with a Special Onan Generator powered by propane and an EKG defibrillator. Plus Ford Emergency response vehicle. Scroll down to view Dutchman Trailer and EKG Defibrillator. To view Ford Emergency Vehicle click on any word in this line!

This item will go to auction on 10/30/2011 at night this link ill go live on that date so you can click thru and bid.


1994 Dutchmen 30B

Dutchman mobile command center with Onan Generator NR

Item Location:Strongsville, Ohio, United States
Start date:Oct 23, 201119:30:00 PDT
Bid history:
Starting bid:US $4,999.00
PayPal account required - opens in a new window or tab
US $
Place bidPlace bid
(Enter US $4,999.00 or more)
Deposit of US $100.00 within 24 hours of auction close. Full payment required within 7 days of auction close.
Shipping:Buyer responsible for vehicle pick-up or shipping.
This vehicle is eligible for up to $50,000 in Vehicle Purchase Protection. Restrictions Apply- opens in a new window or tab.
(Not eligible for eBay Buyer Protection)

Other item info

Item number:220869315720
Item condition:Used
Sells to:United States
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
1994 Dutchmen 30B
Used: A vehicle is considered used if it has been registered and issued a title. Used vehicles have had at ... Read moreabout the condition
Title: Dutchman mobile command center with Onan Generator NR
Vehicle Information
VIN: --
Mileage: --
Vehicle title: Clear
Type: Travel trailerSlide outs: --Water capacity (gallons): --
Length (feet): 30Sleeping capacity: 6Air conditioners: --
Fuel type: --Awnings: --Leveling jacks included?: No
Dry weight (pounds): 3800    
Dutchman mobile command center with Onan Generator NR

Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
If your vehicle is near you, just make arrangements with the seller to pick it up. If it's further away, you can either fly or drive to the car's location, or you can hire a shipping service to get it delivered to your door. The seller may have additional options available, so check their description for more information.
Important Information From This Seller
Sells to: United States
Buyer is responsible for vehicle pickup or shipping.
Find out how much it would cost to pick up your vehicle in person.

Driving Directions
Get driving directions for picking up the vehicle locally.

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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
To ensure a smooth transaction, be sure to review all of your options for payment and financing carefully before purchasing this vehicle. Review the seller's payment instructions carefully. If you have any questions, be sure to ask the seller before bidding or sending your payment.
Seller's payment instructions
See Item Description for details
Deposit via PayPal
US $100.00 within 24 hours of auction close.
Credit or debit card through PayPal
Payment methods accepted
Full payment
Required within 7 days of auction close.
Find out more about your options for financing this vehicle. Connect with third-party financing companies that offer competitive rates and helpful services to complete your purchase. Also, be sure to check the seller's description for more options.
Get Matched to a Financing Company
State of residence:
Rates as low as:
4.64% APR* - New auto rates
4.74% APR* - Used auto rates
* Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) are available from select lenders, current as of today's date only and are subject to change at any time. Rates quoted are for applicants for secured loans with excellent credit histories. This is not a commitment to make a loan. The rate applicable to your loan will be specified by the lender.
Monthly Payment Calculator
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Interested in buying this vehicle? Use this checklist to help you make a safe and successful purchase.
Before you buy
Read the vehicle description -- carefully!
Read the seller's description carefully and contact the seller with questions before you go to examine the vehicle. Look for the "Ask seller a question" link at the top of the listing.
Review the seller's feedback
The seller's feedback rating is a valuable tool to learn about the positives and negatives of a seller's transactional history. When buying a vehicle, look for a seller with positive feedback and take the time to read comments from other buyers to get a sense of the seller's reliability.
Contact the seller
It is important to contact the seller and have your questions answered to your satisfaction before you make an offer or bid on a vehicle. Use the "Ask seller a question" link at the top of the listing.
How to buy
Find out what the vehicle is worth
Before you make an offer, find out what this vehicle is worth.
Get information on title transfer, registration, and taxes
Contact the seller about the status of the vehicle's title, and visit your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)- opens in a new window or tab Web site to get information on the processes and potential costs associated with title transfer, registration, and taxes.
Calculate monthly payments
If you're interested in a loan, you can calculate monthly payments and get current interest rates in Financing. Be sure you can pay the amount in full or have allowed enough time to secure financing before you make an offer.
Estimate shipping or transportation costs
If the seller isn't local, review how much it will cost to ship or pick up (by flying or driving) the vehicle.
Make a bid
You are ready to purchase this vehicle. Learn more in Buying on eBay Motors- opens in a new window or tab.
What to do when you win
Send a deposit
It is common practice for vehicle sellers to require a deposit within 72 hours after the end of a successful listing. The listing should contain deposit information and instructions. If this information is not available, contact the seller directly.
  • This seller requires a US $100.00 deposit within 24 hours of auction close.
Pay the final amount
Instructions on how to pay for the vehicle will be provided in the listing, or you can contact the seller directly. For your protection, never use instant cash wire transfers such as Western Union & MoneyGram.
Transfer title and pay taxes
You're almost done! The last step is to complete the title paperwork and pay any required taxes on the vehicle. This information varies by state and vehicle type so contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)- opens in a new window or tab office for more information.
If you have additional questions, please visit Buyer Services - opens in a new window or tab or the eBay Motors Help- opens in a new window or tab section.
You can add ##n## more item.You can add ##n## more items.Youfre the first person to watch this item. Donft let it get away!people are watching this item. Place a bid and beat them to buy this item!##n## item can still be added to your watch list.##n## items can still be added to your watch list.person is watching this item. Place a bid and improve your chances to buy this item.(##i## item)(##i## items)

1994 Dutchmen 30B

Dutchman mobile command center with Onan Generator NR

Item Location:Strongsville, Ohio, United States
Start date:Oct 23, 201119:30:00 PDT
Bid history:
Starting bid:US $4,999.00
PayPal account required - opens in a new window or tab
US $
Place bidPlace bid
(Enter US $4,999.00 or more)
Deposit of US $100.00 within 24 hours of auction close. Full payment required within 7 days of auction close.
Shipping:Buyer responsible for vehicle pick-up or shipping.
This vehicle is eligible for up to $50,000 in Vehicle Purchase Protection. Restrictions Apply- opens in a new window or tab.
(Not eligible for eBay Buyer Protection)

Other item info

Item number:220869315720
Item condition:Used
Sells to:United States
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
1994 Dutchmen 30B
Used: A vehicle is considered used if it has been registered and issued a title. Used vehicles have had at ... Read moreabout the condition
Title: Dutchman mobile command center with Onan Generator NR
Vehicle Information
VIN: --
Mileage: --
Vehicle title: Clear
Type: Travel trailerSlide outs: --Water capacity (gallons): --
Length (feet): 30Sleeping capacity: 6Air conditioners: --
Fuel type: --Awnings: --Leveling jacks included?: No
Dry weight (pounds): 3800    
Dutchman mobile command center with Onan Generator NR

Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
If your vehicle is near you, just make arrangements with the seller to pick it up. If it's further away, you can either fly or drive to the car's location, or you can hire a shipping service to get it delivered to your door. The seller may have additional options available, so check their description for more information.
Important Information From This Seller
Sells to: United States
Buyer is responsible for vehicle pickup or shipping.
Find out how much it would cost to pick up your vehicle in person.

Driving Directions
Get driving directions for picking up the vehicle locally.

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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
To ensure a smooth transaction, be sure to review all of your options for payment and financing carefully before purchasing this vehicle. Review the seller's payment instructions carefully. If you have any questions, be sure to ask the seller before bidding or sending your payment.
Seller's payment instructions
See Item Description for details
Deposit via PayPal
US $100.00 within 24 hours of auction close.
Credit or debit card through PayPal
Payment methods accepted
Full payment
Required within 7 days of auction close.
Find out more about your options for financing this vehicle. Connect with third-party financing companies that offer competitive rates and helpful services to complete your purchase. Also, be sure to check the seller's description for more options.
Get Matched to a Financing Company
State of residence:
Rates as low as:
4.64% APR* - New auto rates
4.74% APR* - Used auto rates
* Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) are available from select lenders, current as of today's date only and are subject to change at any time. Rates quoted are for applicants for secured loans with excellent credit histories. This is not a commitment to make a loan. The rate applicable to your loan will be specified by the lender.
Monthly Payment Calculator
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Interested in buying this vehicle? Use this checklist to help you make a safe and successful purchase.
Before you buy
Read the vehicle description -- carefully!
Read the seller's description carefully and contact the seller with questions before you go to examine the vehicle. Look for the "Ask seller a question" link at the top of the listing.
Review the seller's feedback
The seller's feedback rating is a valuable tool to learn about the positives and negatives of a seller's transactional history. When buying a vehicle, look for a seller with positive feedback and take the time to read comments from other buyers to get a sense of the seller's reliability.
Contact the seller
It is important to contact the seller and have your questions answered to your satisfaction before you make an offer or bid on a vehicle. Use the "Ask seller a question" link at the top of the listing.
How to buy
Find out what the vehicle is worth
Before you make an offer, find out what this vehicle is worth.
Get information on title transfer, registration, and taxes
Contact the seller about the status of the vehicle's title, and visit your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)- opens in a new window or tab Web site to get information on the processes and potential costs associated with title transfer, registration, and taxes.
Calculate monthly payments
If you're interested in a loan, you can calculate monthly payments and get current interest rates in Financing. Be sure you can pay the amount in full or have allowed enough time to secure financing before you make an offer.
Estimate shipping or transportation costs
If the seller isn't local, review how much it will cost to ship or pick up (by flying or driving) the vehicle.
Make a bid
You are ready to purchase this vehicle. Learn more in Buying on eBay Motors- opens in a new window or tab.
What to do when you win
Send a deposit
It is common practice for vehicle sellers to require a deposit within 72 hours after the end of a successful listing. The listing should contain deposit information and instructions. If this information is not available, contact the seller directly.
  • This seller requires a US $100.00 deposit within 24 hours of auction close.
Pay the final amount
Instructions on how to pay for the vehicle will be provided in the listing, or you can contact the seller directly. For your protection, never use instant cash wire transfers such as Western Union & MoneyGram.
Transfer title and pay taxes
You're almost done! The last step is to complete the title paperwork and pay any required taxes on the vehicle. This information varies by state and vehicle type so contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)- opens in a new window or tab office for more information.
If you have additional questions, please visit Buyer Services - opens in a new window or tab or the eBay Motors Help- opens in a new window or tab section.
You can add ##n## more item.You can add ##n## more items.Youfre the first person to watch this item. Donft let it get away!people are watching this item. Place a bid and beat them to buy this item!##n## item can still be added to your watch list.##n## items can still be added to your watch list.person is watching this item. Place a bid and improve your chances to buy this item.(##i## item)(##i## items)